Wednesday 23 July 2014

Strong Man

In the Name Of Allah Most Gracious and Most Merciful.

Many of my Muslim friends are confused as to who is strong man i will try to clarify and remove confusion in my post with full wisdom.

Man who is able to defense Allah by explaining them with examples , reasons and logic that Allah is Lord of Universe and simultaneously keeping them self peaceful character will be sure Strong Man.We call such a man Imam.

Secondly he should able to give good simple advices which will bring comfort to those who are facing problem he should not make excuses like i am busy or come tomorrow or see my position they are people of weak intelligence or he should able to say i can or i can't or i don't have what you are looking for.

Thirdly he should able to provide some daily resources to people facing problem specially like Food,Water and Dresses. 

First Quality i mention is most important and he is called Imam and two other depend upon Allah favors.

I Pray to Allah to Make Us Strong Man.




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