Sunday 11 January 2015

Miracle in Honey Bees

In the Name Of Allah Most Gracious & Most Merciful.

Let us map honey bees to human been.

Honey bees goes to every flowers & get the juicy honey & accumulated in honey comb.

We all know honey is cure for many diseases.

Let us compare this with man who don’t  know anything to be bee & this man goes place to place searching for knowledge of social & spiritual & economic system as inspiration from God(to approach wiseman) let us compare flowers to be a wise man having lots of knowledge of social & spiritual & economic system.

Bees accumulate honey in honey comb lets compare this to men (bees) constructing such good system where every one share his good knowledge which he has learned.
“And thy Lord taught the Bee to build its cells in hills, on trees, and in (men's) habitations;”16:68

“O mankind! there hath come to you a direction from your Lord and a healing for the (diseases) in your hearts,- and for those who believe, a guidance and a Mercy.” 10:57
ie Noble Quran

Lovely Abraham
With Message Of Peace


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