Sunday 11 January 2015

Miracle in Butterfly

In the Name Of Allah Most Gracious & Most Merciful.

Inspiration & Guidance.
Let us learn wisdom from Butterfly & try to map with us human being how can they be related.

Butterflies are very beautiful creation of Allah it beautifies places where ever they go.

Butterflies take their direct route to flowers inspired by God & they are very gentle.

Butterflies feed primarily on Nectar of a flowers & specialty about them they do not damage flower.

Let us map with us human being any man getting popular for his kind & gentle nature towards people of society sure such nature will definitely beautifies society.

All people society sure presenting him flowers that means they may come up to help him for his kind & gentle & helping nature & believe Such Man will only take help as much as he require.

Their is 100% chances for such Lovely boys & girls to get inspire & guided by God like Butterfly taking direct route to flowers.

Peace,Wishes & Lots Of Happiness,
Lovely Abraham.


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