Saturday 8 November 2014

Light & Its Significant.

In the Name Of Allah Most Gracious & Most Merciful.

Let us know about Light.

Light can be used to see & recognize and we can see but in darkness we cant see & recognize.

Now Let us know what it stands for; sure something very important

Light is basically mapped to thinking capacity.

Let us say you got many varieties of vegetables mixed together.

When you see you recognize its names you may have learned in primary school or by your parents that’s called knowledge.

Now I ask you to pick tomato from many vegetables mixed together then you pick tomatoes from it that’s called thinking capacity.

To understand more clearly let us consider blind man may have knowledge of vegetables with their names but when you ask him to pick any specified vegetable he many not able to;that’s darkness.

Moreover blind man can’t see & reason what object coming infront of him on road or anywhere else.

I putting forwared example by which you will became mature & will became helping hand in making better family & social life.

So Think & Win.

Prince Abraham
With Message OF Peace.


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