Wednesday 30 July 2014

Close Look On Role Model.

In the Name Of Allah Most Gracious and Most Merciful.

Let us know who is Role Model  among Prophets and Messengers.We know there are many prophets and messengers came with certain messages to their people.

Let us analyses and get confirm the Role Model Prophet following which we get happiness in this world and in hereafter i.e we get success in both world.Let there be no confusion or dilemma with regards to Role Model.

Allah Remark On  Role Model.
“Abraham was indeed a model, devoutly obedient to God, (and) true in faith, and he joined not gods with God .

He showed his gratitude for the favors of God, who chose him, and guided him to a straight way .
And We gave him good in this world, and he will be, in the hereafter, in the ranks of the righteous .

So We have taught you(O Mohammed) the inspired (message), “Follow the ways of Abraham the true in faith, and he joined not gods with God” 

The Noble Quran (16.120-123).

Qur'an Clearly Describe Abraham As Role Model.

Let us Know about his Nature.
"For Abraham was, without doubt, forbearing (of faults), compassionate, and given to look to Allah"
The Noble Qur'an(11:75)  

I Pray to Allah to Make Us As Prophet Abraham the Guided One.





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