Wednesday 15 October 2014

Administration & Its Significant.

In the Name Of Allah Most Gracious & Most Merciful.

Let us know about administration.

Many people want to be administrator that’s good.

Place vacant only for people who are knowledgeable &
Know how to save people, family & organization in crises.

Let me give example of high level of administrator which God has granted from himself

He is Prophet Joseph.

Egypt King got a dream that there is going to be crises after receiving happiness.

Prophet Joseph explained king’s dream that their gone be 7 years of happiness, good rainfall & better cultivation then their gone be 7 years of dryness drought no rainfall & no cultivation.

Egypt King After knowing this made Prophet Joseph administrator of Egypt.

Prophet Joseph started explain former & people of Egypt to save food which they are cultivating for straight 7 years he use to explain them.

Egypt people did as Prophet Joseph said and  got saved..

Let me tell you when Prophet Joseph walks in the Egypt everyone 
of them use to come out to see his beauty; he was very beautiful like angel.

Another example of a shepherd to goats he take every care to protect them from any harm.   

Let me tell you this is very research article 
so please forgive anyone around for his or her faults & mistakes

Peace be upon Prophet Joseph.

Lovely Abraham.

With Message Of Peace.


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